Saturday 11 June 2011

A Stranger

In that just a common day
Happened something uncommon
I met a stranger unknown
And never thought its shining sun

Talked a lot thoughtless crap
Had fun in every moment
Each step close and closer
In heart those times spent

Do you know baby
That we both are equally strong
We both go right together
Together we go wrong

You're stranger and so I am
But seems like you are part
A part, vital to my life
I will die if you go ever apart

Darkness has vanished 
I see the bright sun
And see you everywhere
And love you thousands ton

My day starts when you smile
You touch and its like magic
You kiss and I feel in heaven
Tell me what is this trick?

Nature has made you
For me to make me complete
You are ice in summer
In winter you are heat

Oh my stranger 
You are now my everything
Soon you will be mine forever
Trap you in my ring

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