Tuesday 22 February 2011

Kind of Alone!

Kind of alone,
kind of gone,
not within me,
everything blown!

I run from myself,
hide from me,
no one to hold,
really shall thee?

Disbelief voluminous,
thee say no,
and say stop,
so I go low!

what i gain,
what i loss,
when i add,
negetive is gross!

walking down streets,
loneliness and I,
but to laugh aloud,
I keep on try!

pretentions has limits,
nothing here fits,
neither u were true,
but u were a chit!

changed my sky,
replaced my ground,
but left in amid,
I feel like I drown!

Hold me the way,
show me you feel,
cant bear any more,
will you please heal?

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