Monday 9 May 2011

My dying wishes

Wishes want to come out
of this empty sphere
Something is holding them
seem unable to bear

Like holded too tight
in the hands of destiny
fighting for survival
is there any meanin'

So hard is shell
I am hitting hard
like tied in ropes
and with 1000 guards

Its seems so easy
to get out of this all
But when exist is near
Caught into the fall

Please believe me
I want to put trust
This is pure love
nothing like lust

I need thee's hand
and show me open up
this hide and seek
I feel is enough

May be I am addicted
but this all can change
nothing is permanent
dont need revenge

Need to be loved
and trusted like I do
Please be with me
and we will go through

I am in you
like you are in me
but feel like in cage
please let this free

We can breath alone
make me feel alive
be with me anyway
I give you us to drive

Only treasure I have
in life is just one
it is only you
and second to you is none

Let this not die
save it for eon
I promise to keep u happy
smiling and having fun!

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