Saturday 23 July 2011

Keep Or Throw

I was chasing but you were pushing
Yes you push, push so hard
I say I love you, kept on saying
But you said I was playing stupid card

I tried to show how huge is my love
I can paint whole Universe with
But you turned back on all this
I still promise not to leave in amid

You took it granted no respect
No trust, just disbelief
I was truthful and loyal though
My loyalty brought me grief

I pushed apart, fallen away
You turned face back see me going
You know my love has what height
You started calling, your love showing

Wait a minute I have a question
Take or throw choose just one
You keep and kicking, hurts a lot
Make me cry, to you may be fun

You know and I do too
We cant live without being we
Still such fights do like
You dont know me, I dont know thee

Recall we had those happy times
Recall we being giving them name
Recall you said you cant live without me
Today have nothing, just a shame

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